Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I'm in LOVE!
This is the latest addition to my family, Philippe Marshall French Harkless. I didn't get to see him when he was first born, per usual tradition, because I was too busy with work to trek up to Cambridge.
This holiday I found out what I've been missing! Not only is he gorgeous, he's also a very friendly, happy baby. He's been the focus of pretty much every single event he's attended so far . . . and it's not hard to see why.
I found that I literally could not stop kissing his rosy little cheeks. His happiness and serenity are good testaments to the parenting skills of Buffa and Guy, who better watch out. I may have to come and kidnap him for a permanent fix.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I Despise New York

I was just talking to my friend Jill (or as Darin calls her, Jilly from Raleigh) and she asked me, knowing what a reality junkie I am, if I watch "I Love New York".
No, I replied. I think that she has single-handedly set black people back 200 years. Jill pointed out that she's pretty bad, all the way around-- without regard to race or sex, she's not exactly a great representation of the human race.
I get that, and it's true, for those of us who are conscious, negativity affects us all. It just galls me that this woman is being beamed all over the world without context. The same is true for all the big booty video ho's and the men who show off their grilles, Cris and questionable lyrical content ("lean wit it/pop wit it" being the main target of ire) . All this stuff just gets thrown out to the world, without a side of intellect, intelligence or even, just a little asterisk on the screen that says, "actually, more black men in America are in college than in jail".
It really bothers me that this woman has a platform from which to launch a dubious and useless career. Why does anyone want to date her?! Why would anyone in the country care if she had a boyfriend, let alone whether she finds the love of her life? What the heck is it?!
Thankfully VH1 also aired Brett Michaels in "Rock of Love" this summer, so that we didn't think the idiotic stripper out to skin a wealthy music artist was just a black female archetype. I suggested to Jill that us women should ban together and rocket launch these women off the planet, but I know that's *ahem* uncharitable and not a great display of sisterhood.
While I aspire to a season on the Amazing Race, and cop to liking Survivor, Big Brother, ANTM, Project Runway and Top Chef . . . I just can't get on the crazy train for New York.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sometimes everything changes . . . and it's good.

There are a lot of people who will tell you that they are bad at change. I am not one of them. I like change . . . I like movement. I like it when everything is brand spanking new.
I have wondered before (and will probably wonder again) if this has anything to do with how much I moved around growing up-- Chicago, Berkeley, Chicago, Newton, Cambridge, Charlottesville, Dallas, Charlottesville, DC, Berkeley, LA, DC, LA, DC . . . I grew up in DC, for the most part-- 1979 to 1988-- and in that space of time we lived in no less than 6 houses-- Constitution Avenue, NE; Florida Avenue, NW; MacArthur Blvd, NW; "S" Street, NW; Park Road, NW; and finally Columbia Road, NW. We moved every other year or so. I went to lots of schools, too-- 8, not including college. I think I got used to change as the norm.
New people and new faces energize me in a way that I can't really describe. I like unfolding the mystery of a different thought process, value set or ideals. I'm looking forward to 2008 for just that-- more change, more opportunities to create interactions. I can't wait to see what we get, and I hope you're there for all of it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ike Turner, Inventor of the Mini Skirt

A lot of you have emailed and/or called me about Ike Turner's untimely passing. I didn't realize just how many of you knew that I planned to get my feminist card revoked by making a documentary about the man!
I know that he will be remembered as a cruel torturer of Tina Turner, and that most of us use "I'm trying to help Ike!" as a snappy rejoinder to communicate just how hard headed many of us can be. I know, as well, that Tina Turner, nee Anna Mae Bullock in Nutbush, Tennessee, was made by Ike Turner. The guy is widely regarded as a genius-- his attention to detail and ear for music made Sam Phillips of Sun Studios describe his as one of the tightest bands he'd ever heard.
Although consistently lauded for his musical acumen, Ike has sadly never received all of his due. In two different documentaries about the history of rock-n-roll Ike has asserted the position that I intend to continue to advance for him-- he is the inventor of the mini skirt.
Act like you know, y'all. Ike said that knew, when they were first invited to appear on television that Anna Mae's best asset was her legs (um, as we all know Tina's legs are insured with Sotheby's) and therefore should be shown off to great advantage. So he decreed that her skirt should be ultra short . . . ta da! The mini is born.
He was also frequently the last word in styling Miss Tina-- although she asserts that the advent of her famous wigs coincided with a really bad perm, Ike said otherwise. They were going on Hullabaloo which he described thusly-- "white girls with hair blowing everywhere, and music and dancing like you never seen" and so Tina needed something similarly eye catching to keep up. So he decreed that her hair should be just as outrageous and full. And of course, that she should wear a signature mini.
I double dog dare any of y'all to dispute this. Rest in peace, Izear . . . inventor of the mini skirt.