Sometimes everything changes . . . and it's good.

There are a lot of people who will tell you that they are bad at change. I am not one of them. I like change . . . I like movement. I like it when everything is brand spanking new.
I have wondered before (and will probably wonder again) if this has anything to do with how much I moved around growing up-- Chicago, Berkeley, Chicago, Newton, Cambridge, Charlottesville, Dallas, Charlottesville, DC, Berkeley, LA, DC, LA, DC . . . I grew up in DC, for the most part-- 1979 to 1988-- and in that space of time we lived in no less than 6 houses-- Constitution Avenue, NE; Florida Avenue, NW; MacArthur Blvd, NW; "S" Street, NW; Park Road, NW; and finally Columbia Road, NW. We moved every other year or so. I went to lots of schools, too-- 8, not including college. I think I got used to change as the norm.
New people and new faces energize me in a way that I can't really describe. I like unfolding the mystery of a different thought process, value set or ideals. I'm looking forward to 2008 for just that-- more change, more opportunities to create interactions. I can't wait to see what we get, and I hope you're there for all of it.
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