Okay, so the map that was on the back of the blast door on "LOST" has been keeping me up nights. I am incredibly thankful to my nerdy love of Latin because when I finally found close up images of the map on the net I recognized some of them as commonly used phrases, and others I realized were quotes from other works that are fairly familiar e.g.:
- Aegrescit menendo: the remedy is worse than the disease (anyone remember this from Sedition?);
- Sursum corda: lift up your hearts (some smartasses on TWOP referenced DC)
- Malum consilium quod mutari non potest: it's a bad plan that can't be changed (I got this one after some struggling, but my skills are coming back)
- Malum non fidit atra: even evil is afraid of the dark; I can see the case for mus udit non fidit atro, a mouse does not rely on one hole, as well.
Anyway . . . who drew the map? How? When? Why can you only see it during lockdown with black lights? Why was there a lock down? How often does it happen? What"s the disease? Who is Henry Gale, really? Is he an "Other" or is he part of the DHARMA initiative? There are so many questions, and ideas and things . . . just when you think it's getting boring they go and do something crazy like this. I've never been obsessed with decoding a mystery before . . . and it's fairly rare that any of my Latin skills are of use. Thanks Mr. Curran.
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