Double Standard?

Lemme say that again. She's paying Eric Benet alimony. My stomach dropped when I read that, and I immediately shook my head. I thought about Oprah's anger with Terri McMillan's ex, and the gritted-teeth delivery with which she asked him, on national television, " . . . and what made you think you were entitled to [Terri's] money?"
Do we have a vicious double standard in America? Why is it that I am cheering at the thought of Eddie Murphy finally having to deal with someone taking "half" from him, as he works out the details of his divorce settlement? How come I bristle every time "GoldDigger" comes on and Kanye's entreaty to holla "we want prenup" causes a loud erruption of male voices on the dance floor? But I'm mad that Eric Benet is getting alimony . . . that Nick Lachey, who claims that he doesn't want any, could get alimony because he checked the correct box on his divorce papers?
Why shouldn't men get alimony? Eric Benet is really pretty to look at, and he totally led the crowd in the standing ovation for Halle's tear-streaked Best Actress acceptance speech. Sure, he may have run out that very night for an illicit hookup and continues to deny a sexual addiction problem, but does that make him undeserving of alimony? Think of how many Hollywood jigglebots (TM Papa Burgundy) survive on their alimony payments. It's like a public service in LA . . . JLo's exes get alimony. They probably totally deserve it! Think of all of the tantrums they probably had to put up with. Think of all the events they had to attend. Think of the hours spent getting sprayed with Body Bling. That's hard work!
I'm going to try to be more egalitarian in the future, and weigh my judgements. More power to Eric Benet. Alimony, indeed. Brother gotta support his hooker habit somehow, right?
At 10:56 AM,
SS said…
How long did it take you to write this? Did you really spend that time analyzing Halle Berry's divorce, when you could have been working for world peace or some other noble cause, like getting a manicure.
Who cares if she is paying alimony? More importantly why is it your business?
At 11:10 AM,
mocha mayhem said…
What would you do without my news service?!
It's totally my business . . . as Halle goes, so do I . . . I've got to protect myself from boytoys who only want my hard earned cash!
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
i have a draft of an ironclad pre-nup that i can lend you. we all know how you feel about those.
wtf is "Body Bling"?!
At 4:31 PM,
mocha mayhem said…
Ooooh did i get a real live post from the world famous "jamesian_e"? I am so honored . . .
Body Bling, you dolt, is the shimmery fake bake that JLo always has on and that she used to make pale-ass Ben Affleck wear (along with murray's pomade).
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I ain't mad at EB. From what I hear, Halle is so crazy that she ought to be paying brothas for being with her.
- ThatNizzleD aka "Goldie"
At 5:54 PM,
Anonymous said… know the saying T, "don't hate the playa - hate the game."
- ThatNizzleD aka "Goldie"
At 10:48 PM,
Papa Burgundy said…
Halle's got stupid money, I think she can afford to kick EB's tired ass some benjis now and again.
Crazy or not, I still don't see how you leave somebody as f-i-n-e as Halle Berry?
She'd fit my patented definition of a 'Jigglebot' except she seems too intelligent for that. I reserve 'Jigglegot' for the likes of Airhead Simpson.
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