Amo, Amas, Amat ...
Here is another thing I have in common with my gramma, via my mama-- crossword puzzles. People are always talking about the kind of swagger someone must have to do the NYT Sunday puzzle in ink. I have to tell you... Carolyn & Lynn think nothing of it. My mother brought a book of crossword puzzles to her natural delivery of me; crossword puzzles are de rigueur for any sort of long wait. And we always, always consult on possible answers.
Today I was in the living room with my mother, grandmother & grandfather. My mother was reading her book, sitting next to Gramma's bed. My grandfather dozed, shirtless (inexplicably so... I imagine it was the heat, but the air was on). I loaded a puzzle on my NYT crossword puzzle app and saw a clue that my grandmother would absolutely know.
We're both Latin geeks. Gramma took it at Dunbar; I took it at Banneker. We each excelled at it.
"What's the literal translation of video?" I said, with a laugh, after telling my mother that I'd hit a clue Gramma would absolutely know. My mother repeated it to Gramma, who appeared a asleep and disengaged.
"I see," she said, very clearly.
Carolyn rocks.
At 10:05 PM,
Jill Miller said…
It's nice to know that there are other "Latin Geeks" out there. "amo, amas, amat", "puella, puellae, puellum". :) Big ups to my Latin teacher- Mr. McGowan at PVS.
At 12:51 AM,
mocha mayhem said…
Yes, it IS good to know there are other Latin Geeks out there. I took the National Latin Exam my senior year and got a gold medal. My gramma was particularly pleased with the accomplishment.
At 9:13 AM,
LC French said…
okay -- but for a reference to Mama's life: veni, vidi, vici!
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